Precious Metals CFDs
Why trade Precious Metals CFDs online with Easy Way Global Limited?
Top precious metal
Access the most well-known precious metals CFDs, including gold, silver and copper
Fast execution and
competitive spreads
Super competitive spreads with ultra-fast execution speed
High Liquidity
Global demand for precious metals CFDs means there is almost always a high level of liquidity for traders.
Flexible positions
Open trades as small as 0.01 lots or 1% of the size of a standard contract on some of the most popular commodities in the world.
METALS CFDs | Type | Average Spread(Standard accounts ) start from | Lot Size | Minimum Fluctuation | leverage |
SPOT GOLD | Spot | 30 cents | 100 Onze | $0.01 | up to 1:400 |
SPOT SILVER | Spot | 3 cents | 5000 Onze | $0.01 | up to 1:400 |