(British Pound / Japanese Yen)

The British Pound (GBP) vs. the Japanese Yen (JPY) is a highly volatile pair. JPY is often used as a funding currency of a trade because it’s historically a low yielding currency.

GBP/JPY Market Influences

Since UK is one of the larger economies in Europe, the GBPJPY pair can be considered as a proxy for worldwide economic health. On the other hand, this pair performs like a represented for market ‘risk-off’ moves as the carry trade gets reversed. As a result, GBPJPY is able to develop strong trends that exceed thousands of pips.

Product Specifications and Information

Product Name GBP/JPY
Trading Exchange Spot
leverage up to 1:400
Minimum Fluctuation 0.001
Spread 2.7 pips
Lot Size 100,000
Trading Hours Sunday 21.03 to Friday 20.58 GMT Time
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